How Solar Energy is Driving Brazil’s Clean Energy Revolution

production of clean energy in Brazil
  • Increased clean energy production in Brazil leads to improved economic growth. This includes creation of jobs, reduced energy prices and investments.
  • Solar power generation could prove to be more efficient compared to the hydropower. Solar is freely available and abundant in the country.

Brazil has proven it is possible to boost clean power generation despite the economic gusts. This comes after the country produced 93% of the total energy from clean energy sources. By doing so, the country has surpassed France as the greatest clean energy producer. Most of this clean energy was mainly from the use of solar energy in the country. Solar energy is freely available and abundant in the region. Solar energy can produce energy and store it for use when the demand is high. This energy production does not produce greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. This also helps to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels in the country. Other countries may adopt to these technologies to increase their energy production.

Formed wire is a part of the conductor hardware used to protect and support conductors. It is from wires previously preset during manufacture to take the helical structure. It helps to reduce internal stresses and ease rope handling for distribution of load. Formed wire also helps protect the conductors from abrasion and corrosion. They work in transmission, distribution, substation and fiber utility.

Benefits of solar energy compared to hydropower in Brazil

Solar energy outshined the production of hydropower in Brazil. This is from the increased hot temperatures and decreased water levels. Traditionally, hydropower was the main source of renewable energy in Brazil. Solar power is a clean, scalable and affordable energy source. It helps to reduce the reliance of fossil fuels, improve energy security and create jobs. Formed wire is from materials that resist corrosion, rust and electric current. This helps them to increase the lifespan of the conductors. The following are the main benefits of using solar energy as compared to hydropower.

  1. Scalability – hydropower dams can only install in specific areas. It also requires large amounts of land and water. Solar power on the other hand can install anywhere there is sunlight. Solar panels scale up or down to meet the specific needs of the community.
  2. Affordability – solar panels and other technologies have reduced in price. Solar power is now cheaper than other sources of energy in the world. This makes it more affordable for consumer and buyers around the world. Formed wire wok with other fittings to enhance the security of the connections. These fittings include bolts, nuts, washers, screws and clamps.
  3. Environmental impact – solar power produces little to no carbon footprints. They also have very low environmental impacts compared to hydropower plants. Hydropower disrupts river ecosystems, displace communities and releases greenhouse gases from the reservoirs.
  4. Job creation – the growing solar industry creates jobs in the country and across the globe. This helps to improve people’s livelihoods and boosts the economy of the country.
  5. Improved air quality – since solar power does not produce greenhouse gases, it helps to improve air quality. It helps in the urban areas where there is much pollution in Brazil.
solar energy production in Brazil

Economic benefits of increased clean energy production in Brazil

Increased production of clean energy leads to significant economic benefits for the country. Clean energy helps to reduce the energy costs, create jobs and boost the economy. Formed wire helps to evenly distribute the overload in the transmission lines. The following are the economic benefits of clean energy production.

  • Energy costs – clean energy leads to lower energy costs for businesses and consumers. This is from reduced prices of clean energy technologies over the years. This also makes the energy available and affordable to various consumers.
  • Economic growth – the increased energy production of clean energy helps to boost the economy. This may be from the increased investment and subsidies in clean energy. It may also include exports of goods and services to other countries. This helps to generate foreign revenues for the country.
  • Reduced energy imports – increased clean energy leads to reduced reliance on imported energy. This helps to save more money for the country which can help in other sectors.
  • New business opportunities – the clean energy sector creates new business opportunities for companies. This may include developing new renewable energy technologies. It also includes providing services like solar panel installation. This may also include wind turbine installation and maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the two main sources of renewable energy in Brazil?

The two main renewable energy sources include hydropower which accounts for 55% of total energy production and wind energy which produces 15GW of installed capacity.

What are the renewable energy opportunities in Brazil?

The increased solar power production in Brazil has led to increased job creation and investments in the sector. The current solar energy capacity contributes to 12GW of installed capacity.