Energy Sustainability: South America’s Raw Materials

South America’s energy sustainability and development need the use of raw materials in several sectors. The region has plenty of natural resources that are being harnessed to build a more resilient energy infrastructure. The growth of renewable energy sources requires the use of these raw materials in the development of hydropower, solar, and wind infrastructure. The raw materials include lithium, cobalt, copper, silicon, steel, and aluminum. However, the extraction and processing of the raw materials should aim to follow sustainable practices. This includes sustainable practices in mining, recycling, and land management. Maintaining sustainable management ensures long-term energy security and environmental protection.

Challenges facing the use of raw materials for energy sustainability

The use of raw materials for energy sustainability in South America faces several challenges. These are challenges arising from environmental, social, economic, and geopolitical factors. These factors may complicate the extraction, processing, and deployment of these materials. Governments and industry experts should aim to address these challenges to achieve energy sustainability. This requires an approach that includes stronger regulatory frameworks, investments, and the development of recycling practices. The extraction of raw materials leads to deforestation, habitat destruction, water contamination, and carbon production. The global prices of these materials are subject to fluctuations. This is mostly driven by changes in demand and geopolitical tensions. The lack of advanced processing capabilities and inefficient recycling infrastructure may lead to increased demand for new raw materials.

Raw materials used for energy storage solutions

Energy storage aims to manage the intermittent nature of renewable resources like solar and wind. Raw materials used for energy storage solutions in South America help in the transition to a more sustainable and reliable energy system. The sustainable extraction and processing of these materials is a main challenge to overcome. Overcoming this challenge helps to enjoy the benefits of energy storage technologies. The following are the common raw materials used for energy storage solutions:

copper serves in producing copper wires
  • Lithium is the primary material used in lithium-ion batteries, which work in energy storage technologies. This includes grid-scale batteries, electric vehicles, and portable electronics. Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia have some of the largest lithium reserves in the world.
  • Cobalt serves in the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries to improve energy density and battery life. Cobalt is important for high-performance batteries used in electrical vehicles and large-scale energy storage systems.
  • Nickel works in lithium-ion batteries in nickel-cobalt-manganese and nickel-cobalt-aluminum chemistries. These batteries offer high energy density and work in electric vehicles and grid storage solutions.
  • Graphite serves as the anode material in lithium-ion batteries. It is essential for storing and releasing electrical energy within the battery.
  • Manganese works in the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries to improve the safety and thermal stability of batteries.
  • Aluminum serves in battery casings and as a conductive material in some battery chemistries. It is also important for the construction of energy storage systems, including structural components for battery housings.
  • Copper works in energy storage systems for electrical wiring and battery connectors. It is also important in the construction of battery management systems and electrical infrastructure.

The role of raw materials in South America’s energy sustainability goals

Raw materials play an important role in South America’s energy sustainability goals in 2024. They serve in the region’s efforts to transition to cleaner and more resilient energy systems. They also enable the expansion of renewable energy, support energy storage solutions, and ease the development of new technologies. The following are the ways in which raw materials contribute to energy sustainability.

renewable energy for energy sustainability
  1. Renewable energy expansion – copper, silicon, silver, and rare earth metals serve in renewable energy infrastructure. This includes wind turbines, solar panels, and hydropower systems.
  2. Energy storage systems – lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite serve in the production of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries serve in electric vehicles and grid storage solutions.
  3. Green hydrogen production – copper and nickel are important in the production and operation of electrolyzers used in green hydrogen production.
  4. Sustainable economic growth – the extraction and processing of raw materials like lithium, copper, and rare earth metals contribute to the economy. The region can promote sustainable economic growth, create jobs, and invest in the development of renewable energy infrastructure.
  5. Reducing environmental impact – sustainable mining practices are important for reducing the ecological footprint of raw material extraction. This includes reducing water usage, managing waste, and restoring ecosystems after mining operations.